2016-04-06 永利集团3044官网欢迎您


培养目标:旨在培养具备通信系统、通信网络和通信工程方面的基本理论和应用技能,受到通信科学与工程实践       训练和科学研究初步训练的高级工程技术人才。学制四年,授予工学学士学位。

主要课程:计算机程序设计,通信电子电路,通信原理,数据通信与计算机网络,电磁场与电磁波,信号与系       统,数字信号处理,微处理器与接口技术,微波与天线技术,交换技术,移动通信,光技术与光纤通       信,广播电视技术,计算机网络工程,物联网技术导论,移动互联网技术及应用,网络信息安全,集       成电路设计导论,射频电路设计,DSP技术与应用,嵌入式系统与开发,工程项目管理等。

就业方向:毕业生可到科研院所、高等院校、机关企事业单位、电信工程及运营部门、国防工业、部队等单位,      从事通信工程及相关领域中系统、设备和网络的研究、设计、开发、制造、应用、维护、管理等工作。

              Bachelor Degree Program: Communication Engineering

Educational Objectives: The Communication Engineering program produces graduates with fundamental theories and practical skills in communication system, communication networks and communication engineering; graduates will be able to attain the communication science and engineering practice training and preliminary research training. The basic period of studying is 4 years, and Bachelor Degree of Engineering will be awarded.   

Main Courses: Computer Programing, Communication Electronic Circuits, Principle of Communications, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, Signal and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology, Microwave and Antenna Techniques, Switching Technology, Mobile Communication, Optical Technique and Fiber Communication, Radio and Television Technology, Computer Network Engineering, Introduction to Internet of Things, Mobile Internet Technique and Applications, Network Information Security, Introduction to Integrated Circuits, Radio Frequency Circuit Design, DSP Technique and Applications, Embedded System and Develop, Engineering Project Management.

Career Direction: Graduates can be accepted for engineering practices in research institutes, colleges and universities, government departments, public institutes, companies, military department.